Sunday, October 12, 2008

.... dozo?

I suppose I'm a bit spoiled for inspiration sometimes when it comes to anything, but there are days when my brain literally takes a vacation. Truth be told, it's more often than not lately. Partly I think it's a bit of trying too hard to try and come up with stuff (thus exhausting thus precious reserves of creativity faster), partly.. I dunno, I think I've hitting somewhat of a slump.

Today's pretty much the peak of it. It's frustrtating, because it leaks all over everything else going on today. I've had a pretty crapp day overall for no obvious reason other than I've hit a wall.

So to top off, here's my great list of things I've done in a lackluster mood -
1) washing, cleaning, the usual preparation for summer in the house (switching rooms around to get in some of the delicious afternoon sun)
2) started modelling ,realised it was crap, deleted it, started again, finshed, realised it was crap, got rid of it, closed 3ds max. Did not open again
3) had an attempt at lining and coloruing some art. Was craptastic, deleted the work

4)watched Season 4 of NCIS and Hayate Combat butler in a perfect one-then-the-other sequence.Then continued watching mroe Hayate.

5) went for two walks, one in the afternoon, to clear my head and other and 9pm because I enjoy the solitude of where I live well after everybody's home safe.. and to clear my head.

I mknow, fatastic day, right? Absoultely. I know I made myself somewhat of a promise nto to screw around and post "Dear Diary", but today's been so memorably flat, that it deserves the notariety.

This is the lonely, depressed and uninspired Toadie ,signing out.

1 comment:

  1. It's cool you take walks though. Walks really do help, it's good to have time alone and think about things. Sometimes, it can be very refreshing. I don't know any places around your town/city/area, but if there are any woodlands or trees or hiking areas, walk in there. It really clears the mind.

    Hell, It helped me overcome my fears.
