I know this is going to seem odd coming from someone who never once has owned a Sony console-
I really love the Metal Gear Series.
They are both well written, psuedo-realistic, and at the same time increibly camp and bizarre. It's this schizophrenic mix that isjsut like mad trail mix to me, and honestly I can't get enough of David Hayter doing VO work.
The reason I bring this up is because of the New Portable MGS game, Metal Gear Solid: PEace-Walker. I dunno how, but Kojima always manages to find that way to make whatever system he's making a game for POP. Peacewalker isn't just a solid shotoer game, it's friggin comprehensive Metal Gear Constructor set too, not to mention pseudo0business sim. The meta game of this thing is jsut immense, and when coupled with an already impressive sneak-and-shoot combat system, I'm really REALLY feeling something down there in my pats to go get this game.
I mean just look, aside from the retconing, how goddamn impressive is this. This is on a Fucking HANDHELD. It's unbelievable.