Whew, that felt good. Should vent that kind of stuff more often. Must be that preposterone everyone keeps saying all male bodies exert all the time.
Okay, now for another one of those pre-valentine things I do. Like last year I will be doing a recommendable playlist for love without using mainstream or classic or "oldies" to express it it. Think of it it as your Punk-Ska-Metal-AcidJazz Cupid.
On top this small gesture, I am going to offer something tangible to you, the avid, and maybe not so avid readers (who no doubt pick this up through my Facebook or something rather than the original source) .
Ladies and Gentlemen you probably know this already from my periodic bemoaning of the subject, but I'm a Single White Male, a nerdy one with odd tastes, but a single white male none the less. I have pretty much given up on the idea of ever running across what I'd currently consider my ideal match up.I've also given up on specialist dating sites (sites like anonidate have tendency to be FULL OF TRAPS). It really is quite depressing, particularly around this time of year (damn you you Hallmark season getting to me).
So this is why I have opened a challenge to you punters. Your mission consists of three objectives
- Find someone who meets a below specified criteria
- Contact me on a below specified burn email address with pertinent information
- BONUS ROUND - if it gets around to FRIENDSHIP or dating, you get a bonus.
AU$100. Solid Cash. Unless you or the person you're presenting live outside Australia, in which case it'll be a purchase in Steam to that value. The bonus is an additional AU$50 of that same line of credit.
Now for rules-
- All forwarded peeps must be at least aware are being entered into this.The is no way I am going force this stuff on anyone, so it's gotta be at least approved by them.
- 18+. Common sense there really. Nothing Paedobear may approve of because it is legally frowned upon and I do not want to be on the gigantic scroll of sex offenders.
- All entries into the running must be entered before February 15, 5 AM to the following address - wejustcametopartydown AT gmail DOT com . Message must contain your name, the name of the person you're submitting, a viable contact method to get in touch with them (nothing stupid like AIM or YIM. Email, Skype, MSN, phone, something like), and a reply address if needed.
- No Traps or Trolling. All trolling and fake entries will be ignored, as well as duplicate entries.
- At least enjoys anime (taste in anime need not 100% align with mine)
- Has a sense of humor
- Can Caramelldansen
- I was going to say "has broad taste in music", but what I really meant to say was "doesn't worship Rap or RnB."
- has heard of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones or Reel Big Fish (and has no objections to it)
- a bit nerdy. I like my women like I like my z-buffer algorithms - (overally complex with good results)
- EDITED IN - can tolerate my OC-level dedication to game development, my modelling , sound editing, and the likes
- ALSO EDITED IN - isn't neccesarily looking for a home run. Doesn't mind being pampered a little, within bounds.
- eccentricity optional
- physique - not particularly fussed, just not large. I don't want to sound cruel to you lot, but it's not really what I'm into. Glasses a plus, DFC - also plus.
- optional bonus - is an fem/a/non (frequents /a/. Not /b/. They ARE different and no I won't go over it. )
EDIT #3: oh and if said person you're interested in entering is curious about what I'm like, may I point to my Facebook profile - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=536634192
Toadie is in his couch, owning ur interwebs